Monday, May 14, 2012

Bits of My Weekend

Green tea and honeydew smoothie (recipe below).
Jeff enjoying the lake (complete with a lifejacket diaper).
Catching some rays.

We spent Saturday running errands and getting the car ready for summer (OK, so Jeff did all the car work, but I was ready to help, if needed).

Sunday had perfect weather for getting out on the lake.

Jeff and I coved out for a few hours, then we picked up some friends on the boat and headed out for cocktails. It was a successful Sunday Funday. I'm paying for it today though -- my allergies are running wild. I literally had to peel my eyes open this morning. Ick. And, I can't stop coughing. It's super sexy. I'm going to calm my throat with another smoothie. Here's the recipe if you'd like to try it, too.

Green Tea Smoothie
2 bags green tea
12 oz can ginger ale
1 small honeydew (about 3C)
2T sugar
About 10 fresh mint leaves
¼ C lemon juice
Brew two bags of green tea in three cups hot water. Meanwhile, boil 3T water with 2T sugar until the sugar is dissolved. Mix the green tea and simple syrup together. Pour into an ice cube tray and freeze.
Cut the honeydew in cubes and freeze.  
When the tea cubes and honeydew are frozen, put half each of the tea cubes, honeydew, ginger ale, lemon juice and mint leaves in the blender. Mix until blended. Makes two servings.

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