Wednesday, June 13, 2012

One of Those Days

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Have you ever had one of those days? How about months? In the best way, it has been a busy and exciting time for us.
Most exciting things – Jeff recently started a new job as the manager of the Osage Beach Sprint store, and we celebrated our first wedding anniversary on Monday! Jeff’s new job is a total blessing. He applied about a year ago, got a call out of the blue, and while interviewing for a sales position was asked if he’d like to apply for the manager’s position. A week later he got the much anticipated call offering him the job! He's been at his store since Monday, and as I expected, is a natural.

Things at my job are busy, too. The first weekend in June we held our annual golf tournament, and it was a big success. Final numbers aren’t in yet, but it’s sure to have raised more than $100,000 to help fund a special surgical table for our orthopedic program. Also, I’m busy creating ads and publications for the large summer tourist population and for the 11 new providers that are joining the health system this year.
Also, we’ve had friends and family visiting which is always fun, and we’re still trying to squeeze in a little time on the lake now that summer is here. We both need more sleep, and we're working on that, but for now, we're keeping busy and enjoying what life is bringing us.

Image via.

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